
Prices - U-Smile Dental Clinic 


Free consultation


Scaling + Professional brushing 120 LEI

Scaling + Professional brushing  + Airflow 200 LEI

Scaling + Airflow + Tooth Whitening (1 session) 600 LEI


Provisional filling 50 LEI

Class 1 obturation with composite material 120 LEI

Class 2 obturation with composite material 200 LEI

Class 3 obturation with composite material 150 LEI

Class 4 obturation with composite material 250 LEI

Class 5 obturation with composite material 150 LEI

Class 6 obturation with composite material 150 LEI

Aesthetic reconstructive frontal obturation with silicone mask 300 LEI

Build-up with fibreglass post 250 LEI

Chalky stain treatment ICON 250 LEI / tooth

Pulp cap capping 100 LEI

Indirect pulp capping 100 LEI

Direct veneers with composite 250 LEI / tooth

Fiberglass reconstruction 250 LEI


Emergency pulpectomy 100 LEI

Emergency pulpotomy 60 LEI

Endodontic treatment for 1 root canal 200 LEI

Endodontic treatment for 2 root canals 250 LEI

Endodontic treatment for 3 root canals300 LEI

Endodontic treatment for 4 root canals350 LEI

Endodontic retreatment for 1 root canal 300 LEI

Endodontic retreatment for 2 root canal 350 LEI

Endodontic retreatment for 3 root canals 450LEI

Endodontic retreatment for 4 root canals 500 LEI

Medicated dressing 100 LEI

Pre-endo reconstruction 150 LEI

Treatment of gangrene / apical periodontitis (antiseptic) 100 LEI

DCR removal 150 LEI

MTA application 100 LEI


Extraction of temporary tooth 100 LEI

Simple extraction 200 LEI

Complex extraction (surgical) 200 LEI

Residual root extraction 130 LEI

Extraction of wisdom tooth 250 LEI

Extraction of wisdom tooth and adding of connective material 400 LEI

BIOLASE coronary elongation 1 tooth150 LEI

BIOLASE coronary elongation for 2 teeth, added 250 LEI

BIOLASE coronary elongation  for 3 teeth, added 350 LEI

Apical resection350 LEI

Cyst Removal 400 LEI

Laser frenectomy with BIOLASE 200 LEI

Laser gingivectomy with BIOLASE (per dental element) 100 LEI

Incision and abscess drainage 100 LEI

Decaping 150 LEI

Chirurgie bone ridge regularization 300 LEI

Implant removal 200 LEI / buc


Subgingival curettage (per 6 teeth) under anaesthesia250 LEI

Dental surgery with flap (per tooth) 80LEI

Bone graft 300 EUR

Gingival graft 600 LEI

Positioning of resorbable membrane 600 LEI


Metal-ceramic crowns 550 LEI

All-ceramic crown 850 LEI

Zirconia crown1000 LEI

Implant-supported metal-ceramic crowns (abutment included) 1000 LEI

Implant-supported all-ceramic crown (abutment included) 1200 LEI

Zirconia-supported ceramic crown (abutment included) 1500 LEI

Mobile acrylic complete denture (per arch) (indicative price, varying depending on technicians) 1200 LEI

Skeleton denture (indicative price, varying depending on technicians and used materials)1800-2500 LEI

Complete denture for overdenture (implant-supported)  3000 LEI

All-on-4 temporary denture 1000 EURO

All-on-6 temporary denture 1200 EURO

Temporary mobile denture, VALPLAST or similar make 1300 LEI

Temporary abutment for immediate loading on the implant 250 LEI

Ablation denture / element, added50 LEI

Implant temporary crown, added 100 EURO

Relining of total / partial acrylic denture, added 300 LEI

Denture repair, added 200 LEI

Mock up 90 LEI / tooth

Wax up 70 LEI / tooth

Temporary crown 150 LEI

Composite Inlay 450 LEI

Ceramic Inlay 750 LEI

Ceramic veneers (per tooth) 250 EURO


Single implant  400 EUR

Single implant with immediate loading500 EUR

Pterygoid implant700 EUR

Transosseous implant 700 EUR

Zygomatic implant 1400 EUR

“All-on-4” implant2000 EURO

“All-on-6” implant 2800 EURO

“All-on-6” with pterygoid implants 3400 EURO

Fixed denture on 4 implants(“All-on-4” technique)2000 EURO

Fixed denture on 6 implants(“All-on-6” technique)2500 EURO

Fixed zirconia denture (all-on-4) 3000 EUR

Fixed zirconia denture (all-on-6) 3500 EUR

All-on-4 temporary denture 1000 EURO

All-on-6 temporary denture 1200 EURO

Internal sinus lift 300 EURO

External sinus lift  600 EURO

Bone graft 300 EURO


Tooth whitening with professional UV lamp UV (2-3 session) 800 LEI

BIOLASE professional tooth whitening (2-3 session) 1000 LEI

Scaling + Airflow + Tooth Whitening (1 session) 600 LEI



Endoral digi X-ray (retroalveolar or Bitewing)20 LEI

Orthopantomography (OPT)50 LEI

CEPH X-ray  70 LEI

Single tooth 3D cone beam computed tomography80 LEI

Arch 3D cone beam computed tomography 150 LEI

Bi-maxillary 3D cone beam computed tomography250 LEI

Available in digital format only (e-mail and CD)

Plaque test & dental hygiene training 50 LEI

Professional brushing 50 LEI

Ultrasound scaling 50 LEI

Ultrasonic scaling + Professional brushing+Airflow 120 LEI

Fluoride treatment (at the clinic) 50 LEI

Prophylactic sealing 60 LEI

Extended sealing 80 LEI

Calming dressing 50 LEI

Devitalisation dressing 80 LEI

Temporary tooth filling 80 LEI

Final tooth filling 100 LEI

Primary tooth extraction 80 LEI

Direct Pulp Capping + Dental Filling 120 LEI

Indirect Pulp Capping +Dental Filling 110 LEI

Pulpotomy 50 LEI

Pulpectomy 70 LEI

Endodontic drainage 50 LEI

Stainless steel crown 120 LEI

Operculectomy 70 LEI


Sedation using Master Flux Plus 150 LEI


Impression taking, study patterns and treatment plant 150 LEI

Fixed metal appliance (per arch) 2000 LEI

Fixed ceramic bracket or metal-slot ceramic bracket (per arch) 3000 LEI

Fixed sapphire appliance (per arch) 3500 LEI

Clear Aligner / Mouth-guard1000 LEI

Invisalign 7500 - 18800 LEI

Invisalign exam 100 LEI

Maxillary expander   1000 LEI

Anchoring system 400 - 500 LEI

Mobile appliance 800  - 1200 LEI

Mono-block appliance 1200 LEI

Space maintainer 250 LEI

Activation of mobile appliance 50 LEI

Repair of mobile appliance 150 LEI

Activation of fixed metal appliance 70 LEI

Activation of fixed aesthetic appliance100 LEI

Replacement of ceramic / cosmetic / self-ligating brackets 50 LEI

Placement of new Sapphire / self-ligating brackets 100 - 150 LEI

Retainer 450 LEI

Retainer mouth-guard 300 LEI

Fixed retainer 200 LEI

Appliance removal / arch added 150 LEI

ATM bite guard 500 LEI